Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Here is just a small post when I was able to make some Lithuanian cookies with friends.

As I entered the apartment, these guys were busy making their nest.

So the ingredients were fairly simple: flour, salt, sugar, and sour cream. I think that was it. The dough is kneaded and rolled out. Then it is cut and put into oil to fry.

Once golden, they are taken out of the frying pan and drizzled with honey or powdered sugar... sounds a lot like ausukis to me.

I made a special cookie.

On another note, I made some no-bake cookies, but they ended up not turning out as well because I put to much milk in the mixture and it ended up being to runny. Oh well, they were still tasty.

Next post will show my trip to the beautiful peninsula off the coast of Lithuania.


  1. Ooohhh, yummy! Those look SO good Joe! I LOVE cookies! :) Also, I <3 your special cookie. ;)

    Have fun on your trip Joe! That sounds super fun! Take care! :)

  2. Thanks Alexa... there were just as tasty as they look. I already went on my trip to the peninsula, but on Thursday I will be going to Germany for a week and a half... I am excited.

  3. Um, that is the most awesome looking cookie in the world. Well done sir, well done!

  4. Thanks Beth. What can I say, it's an art.
