Friday, July 16, 2010

Going home

Well, this is the end of another blog and another trip. I will be flying home tomorrow, July 21st if everything works out. The airline is Pakistan Int'l Airlines so I am excited to see if there are any differences in the plane ride, especially the food that they will serve. The company is partially owned by the Pakistani government.

On the topic of my health, I am happy to say that after many tests and a few weeks of waiting, we finally and just recently figured out what the problem was, blood pressure and stress. I am so thankful for my friends here for taking care of me and giving me peace of mind in knowing what was happening. I really do not know what I would have done without them. Because of them, I was able to enjoy this month in Spain. Who would have thought that I would have been able to go to Pamplona this year or Barcelona or Salamanca? In so many ways I am very lucky.

And of course, thinking to my time in Lithuania and my vacation in Germany, I have much to be thankful for too. My cousins treated me like their son, sometimes so much so it was to my disliking. I never would have been able to see and meet and do one fifth of the things that I did if it were not for them. In Germany, the same is true. I was able to see and do so much and was able to enjoy my time because of my friends there. Traveling can be fun, but not nearly as fun when you don't have the help, advice, comfort, and company of others.

Well, thanks for reading, for your comments, and for your thoughts, wishes, and prayers. Hope to see you soon.


  1. Yeah! Your Coming Home. Glad you were able to do all that traveling too. Mostly glad you figured out what was causing you medical issues. Relax JOE! Love ya and see you soo.
    Are you sure you don't want to head over to AUstralia now?

  2. Hey Joe greeting from Scotland :D Hope to see you again soon,maybe in Michigan? :D

  3. Hmmm, wonder what the next adventure of life will bring for you. You have been truely blessed...looking forward to having you around for a moment.

    Love, Dad & Mom

  4. Aaaawwww Joe, I cannot believe your short little adventure is already over! I wish you the best of luck with your flight back tomorrow, and I cannot wait to see you once you return! After you have been back for a few weeks and stuff, definitely give me a call/FB message, and you can come by the apartment for some tea and conversation. ;) Also, I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better and at least know a little more about what is going on (we totally have to talk about it more - it sounds like me!)! Take care Joe, and we will see you soon! <3 :)

  5. I made it back home safely, but not without many delays and a few problems that were fixed. My bus left Madrid 3 hours late at 1am. I got to Barcelona in the morning, took a train to the airport, and then found out that the place was delayed 7 hours. That turned out to be OK becuase I ended up needing to purchase another ticket (long story why). Then after going through airport security and the EU border exit, everyone, including everyone that flew on the plane from Pakistan but were continuing on from Barcelona to
    Chicago, had to go through an extensive extra security check in which every nook and cranny was checked. After 2 hours or maybe more, we finally got on the plane. The plane ride was great. I had Pakistani food, listened to and watched Pakistani media, and was greeted at the beginning of flight instructions by a prayer of thanks to Allah.
    As far as traveling more, if you supply the ticket, I'm there.

  6. Vytautas, Congrats on making it to Scotland. Good luck in your studies and in understanding the people there. Maybe you should consider wearing a skirt?

    Thanks Mom and Dad.

    Alexa, I love tea... sounds like a plan.
