Thursday, July 1, 2010


So I finally made it to my friend's house, where I could relax and figure out what exactly was wrong with my health. The picture below is part of the backyard where I would have my breakfast every morning. I am taking the picture from under the tree where I would do my daily reading.

A view of Salamanca from far away

Sandra and I in the plaza mayor. It is supposed to be good luck to stand under the clock which is located just under the bell.
This region is known for its cured pork. I had tons of it because it was so good. You could see them for sale hanging like this from the wall and ceiling if you wanted to buy a lot. Otherwise you could also buy the meat cut in small packages. (See further below for another picture of the prized meat). I am wondering if I could stuff one into a suitcase for when I come home?
Sandra, her friend, and I in front of cathedral.
Many things were recently restored on the cathedral, but some new touches were added. Do you see anything strange about the small sculptures that surrounded the door to the cathedral?
I felt like you could fit a sky scraper inside. The picture above is of the altar. I am in the picture next to the pillar on the right.
The back of the cathedral. Another day (when it is free), I plan to take a tour on the roof of the cathedral.
The front door of the cathedral.
In a garden made famous because it was written about in a famous book La Celestina.
St. Stephen's monastery.
More pork. This is what it looks like when it is cut up and read to eat.


  1. What a beautiful city Sandra lives in, and the patio area reminds me of eating our meals in our gazebo. Everything looks very peaceful and relaxing. What good friends we have, and what great care they are giving you. God bless them!

    Keep the pictures coming!



    Take a picture of the whole family....Caroline must be all grown up by now.

  2. PS. Don't forget to bring some of that great wine home.

  3. Man Joe! You have become a blogging fiend lately! :) I am so happy to hear that you made it to your friends' home! Yah! Start feel better soon too Joe! ;) Have a great weekend! <3

  4. Well, I posted a lot because I needed to catch up. I was pretty far behind. Plus I had an eventful couple of weeks to say the least. Expect a slow down now.

  5. a slow down. Awe Man. I was enjoying every morning updates and pics. Your my eyes to the world. Post when you can so you don't fall behind again and that also gives you time to relax and take care of yourself too. Give an update on the health issue to please.
    Lvoe ya
    Aunt Kelly

  6. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!! Hope you can find some fireworks to watch....jk.
