Thursday, April 15, 2010


OK, so now for the long awaited answers!

#1 shows where the bathrooms are, including handicap accessible bathrooms. When I saw the sign and was searching for the restroom, I thought for sure it was for an elevator. The arrow pointing up is for women and the one pointing down is for men.

#2 is an exit sign, something you will see all over of course. Most people say it is a better sign than in the US because green means go and you can see a door in the picture. You also do not need to know a language while with the US exit sign, you need to be able to read and understand EXIT.

#3 has 3 signs, as I said. From left to right they are for a movie theater, bowling alley, and bathrooms.

#4 shows a child's play area and bathrooms

#5 warns no ice cream, no shopping carts, and that you are being watched under surveilance.

#6 directs your attention to where the fire extinguisher is.

#7 directs your attention to where the fire hose is.

and finally, #8 lets you know that it is good to hang on to the escalator when riding it up or down.

Thanks for all your guesses. Be sure to go back by scrolling down to the post with the pictures of these signs so that you can match the images with their descriptions.


  1. Great job Joe,you got all the mall signs right:)But to tell the truth they are only a piece of cake compared to what signs I saw in Turkey..

  2. very fun trivia. send more. jeff
