Monday, May 24, 2010

Hochzeit in Deutschland

Well, I wanted to briefly let everyone know that I got to Germany without a problem Thursday night. As some of you may know, I am in Germany because of a wedding that I was going to on Sat. with an old friend from high school. I at least wanted to write a little about it while I could remember.

Actually, even just getting to where I needed to be is a bit of a story. I flew into
Frankfurt, took a bus into the town (which was 120 km away) and then took a train to the town of my friend whom I met in Guatemala. I stayed there for the night thankfully and then we went to the Int'l African Festival, which was on the way to where I would spend the next night. The festival included many things to buy from Africa, foods, and of course music. In the evening, my friend found a ride for me online. We travelled on the autobahn (which really is just like a regular highway, with parts that only have 2 lanes except that there are parts too that do not have a speed limit) for a 2.5 hours and got dropped off to where I would meet my old friend from high school and then get picked up by the families of those who were getting married. Obviously I could not have done that all without the help of all my friends here.... thanks so much for taking care of me.

Sat, the day of the wedding, was the first sunny day in a few weeks. It was absolutely beautiful. The lilacs were still out. Peonies were blooming. There was a warm breeze and the night was cool but not cold. The day began by going to the bride's grandma where we ate some goulash soup before mass. It was delicious. We then drove to the wedding, which was in the countryside. On the way, the fields were full of among some other things, wheat, rapeseed plants to make oil (which were blooming yellow and were very fragrant), and hopps to make beer famous for this area (
Bavaria). The church was large and beautiful for being in such a small town. The wedding service was similar to that of one you would find in America except they had instruments you might normally find in an orchestra. After the wedding, kids held ropes up to prevent cars from leaving the small town until each car paid something to them. It sounds like something I would have done.

We drove to the small palace... I learned that it was not called a castle but a palace as I just wrote. The events started with all kinds of wine and champagne. Then the cakes were served. There was the traditional Bavarian chocolate cake and then the other 25 cakes that all the family members brought. Needless to say, we ate a lot of cake, or at least I did. I wanted to try them all since when else would I have such an opportunity to try so many varieties of cakes. After the cakes was the balloon event. Everyone wrote on a card something they wanted to do with the bride and groom and then tied the card to a helium balloon. Then all the balloons were let go together. The cards have the address of the bride and groom so that if they are found by someone they can be mailed back. By tradition, all cards found must be fulfilled. After that event, it was more wine or Bavarian beer and then dancing, but only for the wedding couple and their parents. It is not always formal, but this was a bit formal since they used the same musicians as they had in church. Dinner followed with dancing for all, more cake with cheeses, including really stinky cheeses (I tried all the cheeses. Some people say that some cheese stink but taste good. I agree. The stinky cheese that was at this wedding though, I hope to never have it again.) After the last round of desserts, digestives were served, which are liquors to help digest everything. Mine tasted a lot like moonshine. With all the drinking though, no one was drunk. That is because of all the food and activities and even time in between activities, it would be pretty hard to be. The night ended at
2am and I spent the night at the same house I had goulash soup.

And just to keep you up to date, Sunday was a rest day mostly for rest, going to Church, and getting to
Munich. Monday I went to Salzburg, Austria, and Tuesday I went to a castle is the inspiration for Disney World's castle. No pictures yet. Sorry for the errors... I figured you would not mind as long as you found out quickly what was going on.


  1. Hi Joe! :) Thanks for the fun post! I am so excited to hear that you were able to take a trip to Germany! That is great! Had you been there before by chance?

    What a great experience you had! The wedding sounds so interesting! :)

    BTW - I loved the little part about Bavaria; it reminds me of my good ol' hometown of Frankenmuth (a.k.a., Michigan's Little Bavaria). ;)

    I hope that everything else is going well for you Joe! Have a good week! <3

  2. You went to Neuschwanstein!!!! OH MY GOODNESS I am so jealous!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures! :)

    Glad you're having a great time, sounds like the wedding was a blast. The part about the balloons was really interesting. What an awesome idea!

  3. Alexa, I mentioned Frankenmuth to a few people here when going through Bavaria... I think I got a lot of laughs when I told them about the year-round selling of Christmas stuff. Oh and I had been here before.. but all the back in 2001. Things are little different now.

  4. Beth... I see you already know about the castle... good work on the name. I took some pictures, so hopefully I will get to show some soon. Really though there are so many castles in Bavaria that it is ridiculous. I feel like they should donate one to Michigan.

  5. Hey Joe! :) That is so fun! I am glad to hear that you got a few chuckles out of that. ;) Also, that is cool that you were able to visit again; Germany is a fun place! Have a great weekend Joe! <3

  6. Hey Joe,

    Gee Gee and I went to Salzburg, Austria in 1978. To cool that you went as well. Can't wait to see how it's changed in the last 30 some years.

    Thanks for the post as well...I've been dying to know how things were going, what you were doing and that all was well.


  7. Yes I can't wait to see the pictures of the castle, and I completely agree, more castles should be donated to Michigan. I would even be willing to step up and accept one on Michigan's behalf. You can thank me for my benevolence later.
