Saturday, June 5, 2010

Vor der Hochzeit

So I already told you what I did before the wedding as well as during the wedding in the previous post. This blog entry just includes photos of some things before I went to the wedding.

Goodbye Lithuania

The first event my first day in Germany was the African festival

A small band playing under a bridge

There were lots of vendors selling both food and African crafts. I just tried the food and bought some tea. My two friends, Miriam and Thomas, that took me are in the picture.

This was the main stage for the free events. The also had a closed off section for bigger concerts for which you would need a ticket.
Dad, you are going to need to help me. I think this is an older Soviet car. I could be wrong.
This was on the bluff in Würzburg where the festival was held.

This bike has a rubber ducky for a bell.

The open vegetable market next to the main church

The skyline of Würzburg

Don't worry. I already uploaded all my pictures I want to put in my blog in 3 more entries. I just need to write the captions. Thus, they should be out shortly. This will have to do for now.

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