Sunday, June 27, 2010

Changes in the plan

The plan was to go to Croatia, as I mentioned. I bought the tickets and would need to go to Bremen Germany first for two nights before I could continue on with a second flight to Zadar, Croatia. Around the time of my last weekend in Lithuania though, I started to have some health problems strange enough that I got them checked out at a Lithuanian doctor. Nothing was found thankfully and I was given some antibiotics a day before I was leaving for Germany. Well, I went to Bremen toured the city while I was waiting for my next flight, which as I said would be in 2 days. The morning of the day that I had my flight to Germany, my last day that my tourist visa was good for, my health problem showed up again. I normally do not make hasty decisions, but by the time I took the tram to the airport, I already knew I would purposely miss the flight. I just went straight to the other side of the track and waited for a return tram to the city. There I bought some tea, ate a frankfurter, and bought the next ticket to Spain where at least I could speak the language. I mean in Croatia, I not only knew no one, (well actually I met some very kind people in Bremen who were going to help me out) but I could not speak the language. 25 hours later after going through Cologne and Brussels and Paris, I made it to Spain, from where I am writing to you now. I feel fine and serious causes have been ruled out, so things are looking good. It will be at least a week though before we figure out what exactly is going on. I have very kind friends who are taking care of me. So no need to worry, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am not in Lithuania nor Croatia. I am just relaxing, and enjoying the hot sun, which was not present in Lithuania.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow!!! Good thing you're flexible. You are definitely going to have stories to tell.


  3. Oh Joe, I hope that you are feeling better! Sickness is definitely not fun. :( What an intense story though! You are so awesome though that I know that you will get through all of this craziness and uncertainly just fine; I am so proud of you! ;) I am glad to hear that you are finding some time to just relaxing and hang out too; that sounds wonderful! :) Take care Joe, and Ryan and I are thinking about you! <3
