Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Zeit für die Hochzeit

Remember, if you want anyomore details, you can go to the post I made earlier describing the wedding.

This is a painting that was in Brigid and I's room at the groom's parents' house. I was sitting on the bed and looked up and thought, oh no, what did we do already. I got up to see and luckily it was only painted as though it were ripped. There were actually several painted "ripped" throughout the entire house, and they were all painted by the groom's mom.
Some shots before going to Church

This is the groom's parents' house where we stayed one night.
Those poles and ropes are for future Bavarian beer. They will be supporting the hop plants. There is only one country that grows more hops than the US even though this country is about 3 times smaller than the US. I'll give you one guess which it is. Of course it's Germany.
The church where the wedding was.
The town fire truck was ready just in case there were any problems.
More hops
Walking around before mass.
I found a bike trail I want to do. It only goes from the NW corner of Spain to the Czech republic. I wondered why there were so many bikers passing through the village where the mass was.
The ceiling in the church.... no boogers either.
After the mass.... I could not take any pictures of the church supposedly so this one and the one with my nose will have to do.
Here are the kids in the town who were tightening ropes in front of each car to collect money. What a good idea.
It was an excellent day to bring out the convertible bug. It had been cold and rainy for days and then boom, the weather changes just like that and the wedding day is absolutely gorgeous.
The small palace where the wedding reception was. We were greeted as we went in with wine or champagne.
Here friends and family are giving the bride and groom gifts as they walk in. If you look closely at the umbrella, you will see coins and rolled up Euro bills. It was just a creative way to give some money for a rainy day.
Some of the grounds around the palace. They actually were not that kept up.

Food... or more specifically, lots of cakes. I made it a point to try to try almost all the cakes (not a lot mind you, just a tiny smidgen). I mean, when else would I have the chance to try such different traditional cakes?

Cutting the traditional Bavarian wedding cake... no faces were smashed with cake.
The music. These guys played during mass, cake, and when it was time to dance.

Oh, and with the cake there were other things including a giant pretzel made into a submarine sandwich and some egg dishes. See, I just did not eat cake.
Again, the traditional cake. It is said to be like a tree because when you cut it, you see many rings. Luckily it tasted a little better than a tree though. The bride and groom figurines are climbing the cake since they both like rock climbing
Where we were eating our cake and drinking our wine, tea, and coffee.
That's right buster, don't even think about it.
I went out to move after eating so much and took some more pictures. Here is the entrance to the palace with 2 wooden watchguards.
The entrance again
This was 30 seconds from the entrance to the palace (I mean, after eating so much, I could not walk that much anyway). The setting where we were was beautiful.
When I got back, the next activity was letting the helium balloons go attached with a card that said what we wanted to do with the bride and groom. If the card is found and mailed back to the bride and groom, what is written needs to be fulfilled.

Family of the groom
Wedding car. I was picked up in this from the train station. Charlie, sorry, but this hood ornament can remotely go inside the car so that no one can steal it
The room where the dance and dinner were held. Practically the entire room was only lit by candles.
Another angle of the palace
Looking out from the bluff where the palace sits.
The tables were full of lilacs and peonies. More wine and now Bavarian beer were served. Well, I guess they were serving it the entire time since when the cake activity finished.
yummmm, dinner. The servers even came around to dish out seconds onto your plate. That was an easy yes. I even ate the flower.
We stayed at table NY. They had all the tables labeled by where the bride and groom had been together. Thank goodness I did not have to stay at the Ann Arbor table.
Nightfall coming to the palace.
After dinner and the digestive, there were more deserts, cakes, and cheeses.

Brigid caught the flowers thrown by the bride.
Toward the end of the night, wax spilled all over us when taking a picture. I am not sad though... of course I only had 3 dots and they were on my shoes. The other 2 did not fair so well.
The palace from down below the following morning.
The following morning, many close family members and friends met back up for breakfast and to help load some things up.
These two pictures I thought were just interesting. They were taken of the hot water pitcher.

Family and friends of the wedding.
Loading up the rolls.
Do you see that metal knob in the side of the door? That is the umbrella that can pop out just in case it starts to rain.
The RR is perfectly straight. In fact, the rim is made so that it never moves with the tire and will always be upright. Oh, I forgot to mention that when I was picked up in it, they had the "sky" turned on in back. This meant we got to look up at the car roof and see what looked like a starry night.


  1. Hi Joe! :) What absolutely wonderful pictures! I love them!

    How have you been doing BTW?! Is work going well? What else have you been up to?

    We miss you Joe! :) Take care!

  2. Thanks Alexa. There will be more that are coming.

    Work is done since the school year is now done. Sadly, I will be leaving Lithuania soon but won't go home quite just yet. I'll be in Croatia for a bit of time.

    I miss you all too.


  3. Hey Joe! :) Thanks for the message; I am happy to hear from you!

    Yes! I see you have new posts! Yah! I am going to check them out ASAP!

    Oh! Wow! I cannot believe that work is done already! That seems so fast! I really hope that you enjoyed the experience Joe! That is also sad that you will be leaving Lithuania soon too; it seems as though you just got there! :)

    That is so wonderful that you will be in Croatia for a bit though (I am so curious to know why, although I expect you will be talking about that soon!). ;)

    We <3 U Joe! :)
