Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tevo Diena Lietuvoje

Father's Day is celebrated in Lithuania on the first Sunday of June. Here are some pictures from that day.

But first, I had to include this strange sign. It seems to suggest that coming up, traffic crashes into each other. That obviously was not the case though since no wreckages were seen, unless of course everyone knows to avoid this street. :)
On father's Day, just like for Mother's Day, it is customary to go the cementary to spruce things up and to light a candle. I went with Ricardas whose father has already passed away.
After going to the cementary, we went to the small garden community where his mother works a lot and where they own a small piece of land specifically for growing some vegetables. These communities are especially important since the majority of people live in apartments without access to land. In this picture, you can see some of the potatoes I planted.
Here are some onions and in the background is the garden house. It even has a small cellar where canned items are as well as anything used outside.
The well at the garden.... There is no running water so this is a necessity.
A flowering vine or bush. It might be honey suckle by the way it filled the air with it's fragrance.
This was not done on Father's day, though I think Richardas would have enjoyed it. Some friends invited me along to a paintball fight in the forest. Even with the massive amount of mosquitoes, it was a lot of fun. We played in the middle of the forest (not a course) with teams of 5 people. Our team was made of only inexperienced peoples and we were the only one with girls (3). We lost almost every time, but I still had a so much fun. It was a good thing they gave us the uniforms because we were all shot and had paint all over us. This picture was take before. Afterward, we were exhausted and hungry so we made a campfire to roast some beef and chicken.
OK. Back to Father's Day. This was the Father's day dinner: sauer kraut, lots of fish with vegetables, potatoes of course, and some cooked chicken.
Sorry, now away from Father's Day again. This is a small lake that I went to a few times in a nearby park. One time, I rode a bike there taking about 1 hour to get there. The clothes-changing stall is on the left.
In Spanish, this plant is called ruda. It is a strong smelling plant that we used in Guatemala for keeping bugs out of gardens and getting rid of parasites in chickens. I know we have it back home but I don't know its name. This was growing right outside the apartment.
These also were growing outside the apartment. These lupines also grow wild all over Lithuania.


  1. Yah Joe! :) More fun pictures! Thanks again for keeping us updated! The last photo is particularly lovely. ;)

  2. Thanks Alexa. I've got about 6 more posts already partially made that I still need to post so there's a lot to come still. Expect a new post every day for about a week.
