Monday, June 28, 2010

Iki Lietuva, und Bremen

Goodbye Lithuania!
Here are 2 pictures of Kaunas, the 2nd largest city in Lithuania. The one below is where the 2 main rivers connect forming a narrow point. It is hard to see, but look for the dark arrow shape.

From Kaunas, I landed in Bremen. For some reason, there were a few statues of farmers and farm animals.
This is a memorial in a church for Germans that died during WWII.
In the background, you can see the cathedral (St. Peter's) in which I would later go and tour the museum.
This is the town hall built in the early 1400's. It is an especially elaborate one for N. Germany, which signifies the city's importance in the past. In front, but very hard to see, is a statue of Roland, seen in the photo below too. It is a representation of city rights and liberties. There were more, but this statue in Bremen is the best preserved. The town hall and statue represent a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Inside St. Peter's
A very old mural in restoration. It is of Jesus when the guards were fighting over his cloak.
An old mitre found in the crypt during the restoration. On it are Sts. Peter and Paul.
White asparagus! White is actually a lot more common here than green.
Duck house on the river.
Central Station. The trams and buses gathered outside. The main building for the trains is in the darker building in the top left half.
This just seemed like a weird casino, which was one of many in Bremen. Even the pictures on the building seem weird. Maybe the odds are out of this world?
A small garden with flowers and lettuce and sunflowers among a few other things.
The river running through Bremen. Bremen sits very close to the sea to the north. One thing I learned was that there was a big trade of tea at one point through Bremen.
All over in Europe, as I think I said, parking garages tell you how many spaces are available. How smart.
Poor Dudu. I guess the name really does exist.
I took these two pictures walking through some neighborhoods, which were quite beautiful and historical.

Here I am at the tram station at the airport when I was supposed to take off to Croatia.

Before taking off from Bremen by train while I was eating a frankfurter, I took a moment to calm down (because I don't like changing plans suddenly) and listened to a song from a group of performing sailors.
Germany lost a game in the World Cup while I was there. This is a possible casualty.


  1. Nesakyk, iki Lietuva. Mes čia tavęs visada laukiam.

  2. Well, as hard as I'm sure it was to leave our family in Lithuania Joe, at least there is consolation in knowing you can go again some day. What an interesting turn in events the Lord has put in front of you. Being flexible and letting go.

    Enjoy the time with our friends!



  3. Aw Joe, what a wonderful visual of your journey/last days in Lithuania. :) Again, I hope that you are starting to feel better! <3 BTW - A duck house! I have never heard of such a thing! How cute! :) Also, I love the giant blue scarecrow in the garden, along with the photo of the broken tv! ;)

  4. Been praying for you, are you feeling better. Any final conclusion on what it was? The pic are beautiful .Keep them coming and enjoy your tour of the world. Goodness.
    Love ya
    Aunt Kelly
