Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kokie yra šia zenklai?

Can you name all these signs? These are just some normal signs that I found when walking around the mall. Some are easy, and some are just darn right not obvious to me. Post the picture number with your guesses in the comment box below. (You may have to click comments to open up the comment box.)

1. 2 triangle shapes.... I wonder what it could be.

2. This is not the direction to go to a running track.

3. So in this one, there are 3 separate signs. There are 2 that are fairly simple, but there is one, the first one, which is not obvious at all.

4. This has 2 signs.

5. Again, here are 3 signs to decipher.

7. This is not where you wind your spools of thread.

8. And a tough one to end it. Does this mean you can carry your oversized pencils? I think not.


  1. 1, triangles for up and down, wheelchair arrow to direct handicapped access area.
    2. direction arrow for sub way or escalator?
    3. direction arrow or sign to recognize bowling alley.
    4.sink to wash hands accompanying the universal sign for men's and women's restroom.
    5. No icecream, no shopping carts, Camera's ok. extinguisher location
    7. fire hose location
    8. Escalator location,..

    Boy 6 and 7 were real hard Joe. I loved your blog about easter Sunday and your music recording. It looks like a beautiful city and some wonderful relatives you are staying with. Stay Safe . THe boys say hello. Take care. Love - Uncle Jeff and Aunt Tammie.

  2. I hope you went upstairs to show off your bowling skills and your ability to twirl a giant hula hoop on your arm! In regards to sign #5...what type of country doesn't allow its citizens to eat ice cream wherever they please? Should you tire of the Lithuanian ice cream rules, please remember that sign #2 is telling you what direction you need to go to get back to the States. The escalator-riding person in the last sign seems to be saying "Joe Jonaitis, what are you doing in a MALL? You consider shopping a mild form of torture!" If he had a face, I bet his expression would be a perplexed one. On a different note, Lithuania appears to be very wheelchair accessible and well-equipped to handle fires. I like that in a country!

  3. Uncle J, Good work on the last pictures. 1,2,and 4 though are incorrect. #1 is all together and the arrows have nothing to do with up or down, just to give you a hint. #2 is found all over. #3 I actually want you to look at the picture next to the left of the bowling pin and bowling ball. If you can get that, I will be impressed. #4 actually does not deal with bathrooms, believe it or not. Good luck if you choose to continue to guess.

  4. I agree Emily, I think that the person's face would be very complexed indeed as to why I was in a mall. Torture is a very good description of it. You did very well on your guesses, but if you want, give me a specific guess for #1, and the image to the left of the bowling ball and pins in #3, as the answers did not appear in your "image story."

  5. new guesses. # 1- no clue. #2 is a directional for fire exit. # 3 also includes a movie theater reference. and # 4 is a directional for the boys and girls band (percussionist is pictured).

  6. #1 is really hard Uncle J. Let's just say that I was in a rush to find what this sign represents because when I was in the mall I had had a lot of water to drink. You got 2 and 3 right. 3, I thought, was really hard too until I looked at it a different way. 4 does not deal with the band. Great work. I will post the answers next in a couple days... probably Thursday.

  7. Aunt Judi
    1. Elevator..handicap access
    2. Walk sign
    3. theater, bowling, restrooms
    4. restrooms/baby changing
    5. No eating/no shopping/camera allowed
    6. Fire Extinguisher
    7. Emergency numbers
    8. down esculator

    These are my gusses......

  8. Great job Aunt Judi.... I am impressed with number 3 and 8. All of them are right except for 1, which does not deal with an elevator at all, 2, which is not really a walk sign though you would want to walk toward it in case of an emergency, and 4 which does deal with a baby but does not deal with where to change the baby.

  9. I've been able to deduce the answers from everybody else's guesses here, but it seems like #1 and #4 are definitely the stumpers. Your clue above about needing to find out what #1 means because you had consumed a lot of water makes me think that the triangles might indicate a bathroom, but that doesn't make sense because in other signs the bathroom is denoted by male and female figures. I must give in and admit that I have no clue. (outsmarted by the Lithuanians once again!) I'm very curious to find out the answer though. Does #4 represent a children's play area?

  10. i will be waiting for the answers patiently.

  11. " 5. No eating/no shopping/camera allowed "
    A good guess,but not very close to the truth ,Joe, I`m glad you still haven`t seen a lot of our "just look at me I have no sense" road signs,they are the real mystery.


  12. Thanks Vytautas for catching Aunt Judi's mistake. I must have read it too quickly and did not see it. You will have to check my answers just to make sure that everything is OK in my new post. On a another note, I may have to do another blog doing the road sign outside.... that may be intersting.
