Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mano senelio senelio senilio senelis?

Here are some random pictures of the last week, including the tragedy that occurred on Thursday, the snowfall.

The snow started to stick....

There was only one thing that would cheer me up after the snow, kugelis in a pot. Thank goodness for my cousin and her cooking.

I never used to use sour cream, but now it seems I do every day. Crazy!

Here is the lookout from my 8th story classroom from the university where I am giving speaking lessons to some professors. The buildings are mainly just apartment buildings. It certainly is not what I think of when I think of Europe. Of course this is not the center of town, but an important fact to remember is that only 12% of the town was left standing after WWII. That is a lot of buildings that needed to be built very quickly.

For the first time in my life, I bowled a clean game, meaning I got either spares or strikes in every frame and did not leave one pin standing. I think I was having a lucky streak because I was actually bowling a second game at the same time with the group of men I went bowling with. (We were bowling 2 games each on 2 different lanes) In that game I bowled an even higher score of 209 and nearly bowled another clean game but had one split which I nearly picked up. (On a side note, I don't want to just toot my horn, but the only other time that I played in Lithuania, I bowled a 201 one of the games and picked up my first split of my life.) So I was having a lot of fun. Unluckily for the group that I was with, they wanted to have a competition in which the person who won the game would win a big beer, 2nd place would get a small beer, 3rd nothing, and 4th and 5th would have to pay for the small and big beers respectively. Well, let's just say I made out quite well. Out of 6 games, I won 4 large beers and 2 small beers. Since it was such a landslide, everyone just paid my bowling games and that was it. I still may have to lose some games, though, if I will be invited again. Oh, also in this picture is a 100 Litų bill (100 Litai), worth about $40.
What is the most logical thing that you will find next to the Lithuanian liquor? Female hygiene products of course, including pregnancy tests. Catching this woman bending over was not intentional.

The picture above and below is are old relatives of the Jonaitis's, former rulers of Lithuaniam, I believe. Of course I already knew our family was like royalty so really there is no surprise. I could not look anything up on him, though, online so I will have to ask my cousin who is the museum curator in Lithuania to give me some history on him and maybe find out where my nearest castle is.

This is one of the bikes in the bike museum where I live. Notice it does not have any peddles... it is like a Flintstones' car in which you go by running on your feet. Šiauliai did and still does produce many bikes.


  1. Hi Joe! :) I hope that you are doing well! I have enjoyed reading your last few posts (I have been ill the past few weeks and have been behind - I am sorry about that! - but now I am all caught up)!

    I loved the sign photos you posted; they are great! Stuff like that (from foreign countries) makes me smile. :)

    I am so glad to hear that your job has come through! How has it been going? Have your students been kind and receptive?

    That is so interesting that your family comes from royalty! It will be so fun for you to learn more about that!

    Also, I am very proud of your bowling performance Joe! That is awesome! Ryan is proud too. ;)

    We miss you Joe! But we really hope that you are starting to adjust to Lithuanian life, especially as you are starting work and everything! Take care Joe! <3

  2. Oh no, you were ill. Are you better now? I was wondering if something was wrong.

  3. Aaawww, you are so kind and thoughtful to think of me Joe! I actually had a really terrible sinus infection and ironically, a lot of people I knew were dealing with very similar inflictions, so I am not sure what was going on over here! It has now been 3 weeks since it all began though, and I think I finally almost over it (as are my friends and everyone!), so that is good. ;)

    With being sick though, life has been fairly uneventful! I did have an appointment with my specialist in Toledo last week though (which I only see every six months or so), so that was nice! I actually really look forward to those! :) We really talked through a lot things, and I am really looking forward to hopefully seeing some changes this summer!

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend Joe! Take care! :)

  4. Just thoroughly enjoying your postings Joe. Definitely a high makes us smile.

    love ya,

    Dad & Mom
