Sunday, April 11, 2010

Naujausios Žinios

Well, I just thought I would let everyone know that my university job ended up coming through. I was a bit skeptical at first, especially when they did not get back right away, but I should have trusted the fact that my cousin said they were very interested. They called today to give me the working hours, which are more than I expected. I have 3 classes for 3 hours each with professors of the university and have 1 class with students. I start tomorrow and will also work on Tuesday and Wednesday! I really have no idea what level the people are at so this coming week will be when I try to figure that out so that I know what I can teach and what they want to learn. If you have any suggestions about things I should do, feel free to post a comment. Hopefully the classes will go as well as the classes in the high school.

Also, this past week, I mananged to get my library card and a postage stamp without knowing necessary vocabulary ahead of time. It was certainly a struggle, and I made lots of mistake and many gestures, but I was successful in the end. They are the little things that I need to find since learning this language is so hard.

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